Were you sexually abused by a Mormon church member, or harmed when you went to a Mormon bishop or therapist for help overcoming sex abuse?

Share your personal survivor story below. It’s anonymous unless you choose to put a name. Stories will be moderated and approved, and then be publicly visible.

Thank you for your courage.

Not sure what to say? View all survivor stories for ideas.

"*" indicates required fields

If you leave this blank, we'll come up with a title for you.
Say anything you'd like. Please note, in order to publish your story, we'll remove any mentions of the names of your abuser(s), unless they're already listed in our database: https://floodlit.org/accused/
What's in your story? (optional)
Help our readers understand what they'll find in your story. You don't have to talk about any of these things.
You can leave this blank or use a pseudonym if you wish to remain anonymous.
If you're okay with being contacted privately by the FLOODLIT.org team, please enter your email address. We won't share your email address with anyone.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 10.
    If you'd like, you can upload files to be shared along with your published story. For example, some survivors like to share "before and after" photos of themselves at the age they were abused versus now. It's totally up to you.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.